@2021 - Built by ZMCKDESIGN. The time it took to build this webpage from scratch took 40 hour(s) and 31 minute(s).
Reviewed by J. Andrews
Click here to visit the website: https://uofm-art-amum-38thannual-studentexhibition.netlify.app

Mini Project on Food:
This project consists of a two-column layout to learn the basics of floating techniques. The topic for this project is Lizzy’s Favorite Treats with the recipes and descriptions of each dish. I used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to illustrate the headings, sidebar image, and concept design art of the foods. This is also where I learn how to set up a navigation bar using CSS to make an unordered list for the pages.
Click here to visit the website: https://miniproject2-lizmckinney.netlify.app

Final Project on Memphis Beer:
This 6-page web project features a topic surrounding beer in Memphis. I wrote a detailed proposal draft about the objective, interface, color theme, sections, wireframes and so much more for preparation and approval by the professor. The home page deals with only one-column while the 5 other pages consist of a two-column layout. By following the guidelines, I made sure to incorporate google maps, google fonts, and a photo gallery. I choose the topic of Memphis Craft Beer because I was interested in the history and finally turned 21. I’m excited go to different bars and breweries once COVID-19 is over.
Click here to visit the website: https://lizmckinneyfinal-memphisbeer.netlify.app/index.html

Mini Project on ABOUT ME: For extra credit, I was able to redesign my first Mini Project, surrounding my life, and favorite books, music and travel. I used a two-column layout for my navigation page setup. I also used my new skill on photo galleries and inserting Google fonts that I learned for Mini Project on Storybook. The color usage of backgrounds were also new to me and I decided to go experimental with new border styles I learned from w3schools.com.
Click here to visit the website: https://redesign-miniproject1-lizmckinney.netlify.app

Mini Project on Art Project:
I based this project around my storybook I created for my Photography 1 class in Fall 2019. For my final project of my Fall 2019 semester in my first photography class with Professor Coriana, I was instructed to create 15 images dealing with some form of imagery. I chose to illustrate my very own storybook, combining my digital art skills with photography. “A Light in the Dark” For this webpage, I used 3-column layout and learned about everything Google (maps, images, & fonts). By past studies and performing more growth in HTML CSS, I also learned how to set up galleries and descriptions for my optimized images.
Click here to visit the website: https://miniproject3-lizmckinney-storybook.netlify.app